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Message from the Editors

Dr. Cathy Jeffery, Dr. Susan Tupper

As we anticipate exciting new endeavors in the New Year, welcome to the final SaskPain newsletter of 2024. Newsletters are scheduled to be delivered in October, December, March and June and provide information and updates about SaskPain activities and resources for chronic pain management locally, provincially, and nationally.

Interested in Volunteering with SaskPain?
If you are interested in finding out more about being a SaskPain Board member or a "Friends of SaskPain" volunteer, please email SaskPain or view the SaskPain Volunteer application at this link SaskPain Board Member Application.

Also In this Newsletter
  • SaskPain Board Activities
  • SaskPain is a collaborative partner with Pain Canada
  • Research updates
  • Research participation opportunities - local and national
  • Resources for pain management
  • Learning opportunities and conferences

SaskPain Board Activities

The four identified areas of focused work for SaskPain over the next two years include resources and capacity; raising visibility and collaboration; supporting people living with pain; and education.
This work is progressing and includes a refreshed website, application for charitable status, and exploration of funding opportunities to support the development and delivery of resources for people living with pain in Saskatchewan.
You can check the SaskPain website for more information including opportunities for you to get involved.
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Have you checked out the Pain Canada website?

The Pain Canada website has lots of excellent information to explore Pain Canada

Find out more about what is being done across Canada to meet the recommendations of the Action Plan for Pain in Canada by selecting the Action Plan button on the Pain Canada website Pain Canada.

The Resources tab includes lists of resources for people living with pain, resources for healthcare professionals, and awareness and advocacy campaigns across Canada. Check this link for a list of resources including free online courses: Pain Canada Resources

Canadian Pain Society (CPS) Monthly National Pain Rounds
CPS National Pain Rounds are offered, free of charge, on the last Friday of each month. The sessions re-start on January 31, 2025. Check this page on the CPS website to find out more about content and dates and to register: CPS National Pain Rounds
Previous sessions have been archived and you can see the list of excellent opportunities here: CPS National Pain Rounds Archive

Research and Improvement Opportunities - How to Participate and Updates

The national Chronic Pain Network is one of five networks funded through a Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation Science Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Strategy for Patient-oriented Research (SPOR). SaskPain is a partner on this project, collaborating with other national stakeholders to mobilize knowledge to people living with pain and healthcare providers in order to remove barriers to pain management. Review the following research opportunities:
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The Improving Pain in Saskatchewan (IPSK) Research team is wrapping up the research and is now focused on sharing what we learned. Find study updates on our website at: SaskPain Research
Saskatoon area working group
The team worked with a multidisciplinary group including Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and patient partners to create three educational, comic-style graphic medicine stories in partnership with the graphic design company, Arcana Creative. Feedback on the stories was collected from people living with pain, healthcare providers, and healthcare educators. Final revisions of the stories are available on the SaskPain website in English and French. The stories are being used in healthcare provider education classes in Saskatchewan and across the country.
Regina area working group
The IPSK research team is excited to announce their children’s book, “Rikki’s Invisible Pain” and curriculum package designed to help kids better understand and navigate chronic pain. Dr. Karen Juckes, Assistant Professor at the University of Saskatchewan, presented her work in developing this project to the Canadian Pain Care Forum in the fall of 2024.
For more information about pediatric chronic pain and details about how this book and educator tools can transform the way children with pain can be supported, please contact Dr. Karen Juckes karen.juckes@usask.ca

Want to keep up to date on our research?
Email selene.daniel.whyte@usask.ca to join the newsletter mailing list or follow on:

Facebook: Improving Pain in SK
Instagram: @ImprovingPainSK
Find links to favorite websites at: linktr.ee/improvingpainsk

Improving Pain In SK Newsletter
Recruiting for National Cancer Pain Management Mapping Project
Do you provide cancer pain management? If so, you are invited to participate in a study entitled "Cancer pain in Canada: Mapping the availability of pain management services and charting gaps and disparities in access to care" about the services offered by your centre or organization.
This study aims to examine the availability of cancer pain management services across the country for people throughout the cancer continuum. The information from this study could help funders and those responsible for allocating resources to symptom management services by alerting them to unmet pain management needs.
For more information, visit Cancer Pain Management Mapping Project

Resources for Pain Management - Local and National

Active Living With Pain

Active Living for Pain is a new resource for people living with pain who are looking for information on how to become and stay physically active. The research team led by Dr. Nancy Gyurcsik and Dr. Susan Tupper is working with people who live with pain and community-based exercise instructors to co-design a physical activity program for people who have moderate to high impact pain. Follow them on social media and visit our website to follow our progress and learn about Active Living for Pain. In early 2025 this team will be recruiting people living with pain to take part in the newly designed education and physical activity program.
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Important Resource to Help Kids Cope with Needles and Vaccinations
The CARD (Comfort Ask Relax Distract) system provides strategies that can be used to help cope before and during vaccination and needle procedures. The system consists of resources such as videos, handouts and activities that will help to prepare you and your child for vaccinations. Click here to download the handout to learn more about strategies you can use: CARD system handout
Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP)
SaskPain is proud to support Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) and their incredible work improving pain management for children across Canada!
Highlights from SKIP’s impact so far:
175+ partners working together
350+ tools developed and shared
Reached 300M+ people with their efforts!
Together, we’re making a difference for kids in pain.

And there's still more...

The SaskPain Website has Great Resources!
In addition to resources and information that you can find on the SaskPain Website. While you're at it, check out the SaskPain YouTube link to view episodes from our our online "Partners in Pain" (Partners in Pain Recordings) and "Your Partners in Pain" ( SaskPain YouTube) podcast and audio interview sessions.

Our provincial and national partners have excellent offerings:

Power Over Pain Portal
The Power Over Pain Portal is the result of a coast-to-coast Canadian collaboration of people living with pain, clinicians, researchers, and representatives of community organizations with the common goal of improving access to chronic pain care in Canada. Power Over Pain is a direct response to Health Canada's Action Plan for Pain in Canada. The goal is to provide access to free resources in a one-stop shop. Resources include articles, videos, podcasts, courses, workshops, and peer support. Access the website here: Power Over Pain You will see there are resources for both adults and youth.

Pain BC
Pain BC offers many resources for persons who have lived experience and health care providers. Check out their website for array of resources and information: Pain BC

Pain Society of Alberta
The Pain Society of Alberta is offering a series of YouTube recordings on topics of interest relating to chronic pain management for people living with pain and health care providers. Here's the link Pain Alberta Painful Conversations

Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans
The Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans is a research centre focusing on improving the well-being of Veterans with chronic pain.
Check the website out for information and resources: Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans

People in Pain Network
People in Pain Network is a non-profit organization that promotes well-being for people living in persistent pain and those who care about them, by strengthening self-management programs, access to resources, and community support. Check out the Resources button on the website: People in Pain Network

Learning Opportunities and Conferences

Annual Pain and Therapeutics Conference Saskatchewan
The Annual Interdisciplinary Pain and Therapeutics Conference will be held on Saturday March 22, 2025. This conference will originate at the Health Sciences Building at the University of Saskatchewan and is targeted for family physicians, specialist physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, mental health professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists, dentists, social worker, residents, researchers, health sciences students, and other health care professionals.
Visit this link for ongoing updates about the agenda and registration: Pain and Therapeutics Conference March 2025

Canadian Pain Society (CPS) Annual Scientific Meeting 2025
The CPS 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) will be held in Toronto May 1 - 4, 2025. Check out the CPS ASM page here for more details: CPS Annual Scientific Meeting 2025

Pain Canada Annual Putting the Pieces Together Conference was held online in early November 2024
This important national conference is organized for and by people living with pain. Pain Canada will host this free, online conference again November 3 - 7, 2025. Click on this link to watch for information about registration for the 2025 conference and to view sessions from the 2024 conference on the Putting the Pieces Together YouTube channel: Pain Canada Putting the Pieces Together
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