Research Profile

Read about the Improving Pain in Saskatchewan Study.

SaskPain is a supporting partner with the Improving Pain in Saskatchewan (IPSK) research project. Here's what we've been doing!
  • Online education and support for people living with pain. See video recordings and podcasts on the SaskPain YouTube Channel.
  • Pediatric pain conference was held on November 25, 2022 in conjunction with the University of Saskatchewan Pain & Therapeutics Conference.
  • A children's book and curriculum resources for Grade 3 to 5 students on chronic pain in children. The curriculum materials relate to Health, English Language Arts, Social Studies and Physical Education. The story is about Rikki, an adventurous, determined, fun-loving child living with complex pain. Rikki is preparing for a big relay race during the school play-day. Rikki experiences excitement, disappointment, and validation over the course of the story. The curriculum resource includes slides, tools, and printable materials to educate both teachers and students about complex pain in children. Contact Dr. Karen Juckes ( for more information on how to access the book or materials for your classrooms.
  • Virtual reality headsets were tested in Regina area hospitals for management of pain in children undergoing healthcare procedures.
  • Three graphic medicine stories (educational comics) were produced for healthcare provider education to challenge stigma around pain and substance use. Contact Dr. Susan Tupper ( for more information on the research. CC BT-NC-ND 4.0.
    • Theresa's story is about a young pregnant woman living with chronic pain after a motor vehicle collision. Theresa's Story
    • Jim and Dr. Houghton's story is about a man living with chronic pain after back surgery. Jim's Story
    • Dennis and Nurse Tracy's story is about a man in hospital struggling with pain and withdrawal symptoms. Dennis' Story

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Active Living For Pain – Research Team
Pain Treatment Planning Questionnaire – Bleeding Disorders
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News from outside Saskatchewan

Dive into pain news and research from across Canada and around the world.

Canadian Pain Task Force
The Canadian Pain Task Force was established to address challenges those living with pain face related to stigma and access to health services.
Click here to learn about how the CPTF is seeking online consultations on how to improve how we prevent, manage, and learn about pain in Canada.
Pain BC
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National Pain Centre (McMaster University)
Established in 2010, the National Pain Centre’s mission is to improve the management of pain through the dissemination of best practice information.
Pain Society of Alberta
The Pain Society of Alberta’s mission is the provision of education, resources, and support for healthcare providers in effort to improve care and outcomes for those in pain.
The International Assocation for the Study of Pain was founded in 1973. The IASP mission is to bring together scientists, clinicians, healthcare providers, and policy makers to stimulate and support the study of pain and translate that knowledge into improved pain relief worldwide.