Research Profiles

Active Living For Pain – Research Team

The Active Living for Pain research team aims to help adults learn the skills to be more physically active in order to better manage their chronic pain. Despite physical activity being an essential part of chronic pain management, most adults are not regularly active. Through various funding sources (e.g., Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, Community Initiatives […]
Research Profiles

Pain Treatment Planning Questionnaire – Bleeding Disorders

Approximately half of people living with a bleeding disorder such as Hemophilia and von Willebrand Diseases live with chronic pain and rely on the bleeding disorder treatment program clinicians for advice on pain management. In collaboration with the Saskatchewan Bleeding Disorder Clinicians and patients, Dr. Susan Tupper and team developed a patient-reported questionnaire on pain […]
Featured Research Profile, Research Profiles

Improving Pain in Saskatchewan Study

SaskPain is a supporting partner with the Improving Pain in Saskatchewan (IPSK) research project. Here’s what we’ve been doing! Online education and support for people living with pain. See video recordings and podcasts on the SaskPain YouTube Channel. Pediatric pain conference was held on November 25, 2022 in conjunction with the University of Saskatchewan Pain […]
Research Profiles

Pain Dementia Virtual Reality Research Study

With funding from the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF), the Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (CABHI), and the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine, the Pain, Dementia & Virtual Reality Research Team developed 9 brief virtual reality (VR) videos for older adults and people living with dementia. This multidisciplinary team, led by Dr. […]